Top 10 Most Poisonous and Deadliest Animals in the World
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World Ranking - Many animals on this earth that look very scary but not deadly. And conversely, there are also many animals that look very beautiful but actually they are very deadly. If you see a very large python you might run away scared. It's different if you see a beautiful frog, maybe you will come closer and observe it. Whereas a python you fear is no more dangerous than a beautiful frog. Even just touching her beautiful skin can make you feel the effects of the poison and very dangerous for your life.
Animals that have strong poisons are usually characterized by their striking body color and unlike the color of animals in general. But this also cannot be used as a general reference, because some of these strong poisonous animals also have the appearance of ordinary animals. Like the Brazilian Wandering Spider and Deathstalker Scorpion that does not have a striking color like animals in general. Most of the animals that have this powerful poison are reptiles, arachnids (spiders), and underwater inhabitants. So that knowledge of poisonous animals is sometimes very necessary, especially for people who like to venture into the wild or dive to the bottom of the sea.
Here are the list of top 10 most poisonous and deadliest animals in the world, from tenth to first place with the strongest poison of the others:
10. Palestinian Yellow Scorpion (Deathstalker Scorpion)
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The Palestinian Yellow Scorpion has a number of other local names that locals often use to name them where this animals are found. Among the local names are the Israel Yellow Scorpions, the Omdurman Scorpion, and the Naqab Desert Scorpion. This scorpion is also generally referred to as the Deathstalker Scorpion. This is a dangerous species that has a strong poison content. Its body is yellow with a dorsal black back and its length ranges from 30-70 mm. This animal is often found in desert areas and shrubs from North Africa to the Middle East. The poison is a strong mixture of neurotoxins. The sting is very painful, but usually does not kill a healthy adult human. But for people who have a history of heart disease and allergies can be very dangerous and life threatening.
9. Brazilian Wandering Spider
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The Brazilian Wandering Spider is the most poisonous spider species in the world. They are commonly found in tropical regions of South America, and parts of Central America. These spiders prefer to roam the forest floor at night rather than stay in their webs. Whereas during the day they prefer to hide in mounds of termites, under wood or rocks, and in banana trees. The poison has a strong neurotoxin content. If stung, it can cause inflammation and severe pain after the bite, causing loss of muscle control, respiratory problems, paralysis, and at certain concentrations of toxins can cause death.
8. Cone Snail
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Cone Snails are highly poisonous predatory sea slugs. Cone snail species have a cone-shaped shell, and usually there are colorful patterns on the surface of the shell. This snail is very dangerous, especially for large tropical cone snails if stung can be fatal. But for small cone snails, the sting is no more painful than a bee sting. The cone snail's poison is in its radula. Symptoms that occur when stung by a snail include such as intense pain, localized, swollen, numbness, tingling, and vomiting. And for severe cases can cause vision problems, muscle paralysis, respiratory failure to death.
7. Pufferfish
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Pufferfish is a type of vertebrate that contains tetrodotoxin toxins which are very dangerous for humans. However, pufferfish is often a special meal at a number of special restaurants in Japan, Korea and China. However, only trained chefs who have special certificates are allowed to process this pufferfish meat. Because the slightest mistake when serving this fish can be fatal to the lives of people who eat it. Pufferfish poison is found mainly in the ovaries and liver, and a small part in the intestine and skin. Symptoms of poisoning after eating pufferfish such as numbness in the lips and tongue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, the body feels like being punctured, rapid heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, muscle paralysis, and respiratory failure due to paralysis of the diaphragm muscles.
6. Black Mamba
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Black Mamba snake is one species of snake that is very venomous. The length of this snake ranges from 2 - 4.5 meters which makes it the second longest venomous snake after the cobra king. In general, this snake is gray, and with age the color of this snake gets darker. This snake is classified as a snake that is very fast, being able to run at speeds of up to 16 km / h (10 mph). Mamba Hitam likes rather dry places like forests, shrubs, rock outcrops and semi-arid savannahs. This snake inhabits various regions in sub-Saharan Africa, and is spread across the eastern, central to southern African continent. This snake venom is neurotoxic, with initial symptoms when bitten by a tingling sensation in the bitten area, blurred vision, drooping eyelids, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, sweating, and always salivating. If not treated immediately symptoms will develop respiratory failure that can lead to death. Generally this happens within 7 to 15 hours.
5. Poison Dart Frog
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Poison Dart Frog is a species of frog that has the strongest poison and is also the most poisonous vertebrate animal in the world. This species is endemic in the humid tropics of Central and South America. They are referred to as Poison Dart Frogs because local natives often use the frog's poison secretions to poisoning the tips of their dart. These frogs emit toxins through the glands on the surface of their skin. Therefore touching this frog with your bare hands is very dangerous. This poison is able to prevent the victim's nerves from sending impulses, causing the muscles in a state of inactive contraction, and can cause heart failure. Its poison is very strong, on average an frog is able to produce poison that can kill 10 to 20 adults, or kill up to 10,000 rats.
4. Stone Fish
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The Stone Fish is one of the most poisonous fish species in the ocean. They have a strong neurotoxin toxin produced from glands at the base of their dorsal fin spines. These thorns will stand like needles when they feel threatened, and are ready to inject deadly poison into their opponents. The sting of this stone fish is very painful and can cause death. Stone fish have a length of about 30-40 cm. They live on the seabed, around coral reefs and often camouflage to resemble rocks. So that most of the sting of this stone fish is a result of stepping on this fish which forces poison into the leg.
3. Blue-Ringed Octopus
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The Blue Ringed Octopus is one of the most poisonous marine animals in the world. The size of this animal is relatively small, which is only about 12-20 cm. They are often found in shallow ocean waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans, from Japan to Australia. The poison contains Tetrodotoxin which is very dangerous for humans. The poison of a blue-ringed octopus is capable of killing 26 adults in minutes. There is no antidote for this blue ringed octopus, making it one of the deadliest marine animals in the world. If exposed to the poison can cause nausea, heart failure, blindness, paralysis, respiratory problems, and death usually occurs due to respiratory failure due to diaphragmatic paralysis.
2. Box Jellyfish
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Box jellyfish are one of the most poisonous invertebrate species in the world. The main characteristic of jellyfish is the shape of the box, not umbrella-shaped like jellyfish in general. They can also swim faster than other jellyfish, carrying speeds of up to 6 meters per minute. This species is often found widely in tropical and subtropical oceans, such as in the Atlantic and East Pacific oceans. Box jellyfish can produce very strong poisons. If stung can be fatal and if not treated immediately can lead to death. The sting can cause excruciating pain, causing hyperkalemia which can cause cardiovascular failure and death can occur in only 2 to 5 minutes.
Related article: Top 10 Most Venomous & Deadliest Snakes in the World (2019)
1. Inland Taipan
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Image: Pxhere |
Inland Taipan snake is a snake that has the strongest poison as well as the animal with the strongest poison in the world. They are by far the most poisonous of all snakes and also the most poisonous of any reptile. It is estimated that one snake bite can kill at least 100 adult men in only 30 - 45 minutes if not treated immediately. Inland Taipan can be found on black plains in semi-arid regions between Queensland and South Australia and the Northeast. If bitten by this snake, the victim will feel extreme pain accompanied by headaches, nausea, vomiting, seizures, paralysis, internal bleeding, destruction of muscle tissue, to kidney damage. Although the snake venom is very deadly, the good news is they are not aggressive snakes. They have a shy nature and tend to prefer running away and away from problems, unless they are really in a state of urgency. So that death cases recorded as a result of this snake bites are very rare.
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